Friday, August 24, 2012

1-Year-Old Immigrant : Asking For Favors

“I thank San Bartolo, patron saint of cooks, for granting me the best talent for seasoning food that any cook has had in this ranch because now the boss comes home for lunch every day and the lady of the house loves me.
- Artista de Retablo, Unknown

"I know!  Let's get some pie!"
"Yeah, all the pastries in Mexico suck."
- Ben & Lou

Two years ago, I crossed a river, and crossed back within four days.  I didn't get what my heart wanted.  The delay was unexpected, and heading back to Texas ended up being one of the more emotionally complex scenarios of my life.  Heartbroken and dream thirsty, my hands were held by loving friends.  

Waiting out that year, making further preparations for my real move, taught me a lot about how I wanted to live in Mexico.  

I imagined myself as an old woman, with long silver braids atop my head, filled with flowers as a crown.  I dreamed of riding in the cart of a three-wheeled bicycle being peddled by my handsome and ancient Boyfriend for Life.  I lived in a colonial style home, with wrought iron banked roof terrace, and a Maya Nah with a palapa roof in the garden. Until I could get to Mexico, I smelled, heard and tasted it in the life at hand.  The burning of logs in early winter, the clang of a dinner bell at my friends' farm house in Mason, Texas, and the sweetness of venison filled roasted peppers, all reminded me of my encore home. 
I just needed to cross that river.  

Life wasn't terrible in Austin.  I had a charming home where I gardened everyday.  I have friends that continue to love and nurture me to my hearts content.  My careers as an artist, and as an art therapist were successful.  Professional partnerships turned into life long connections.  That last year, I'm telling you, I barely got through.  My heart was ready to leap out of my throat each time one of the kids I counseled told me a horror story.  Every minute on the highway I was expecting to be killed in a collision.  No matter how many miles I walked, strokes I swam, bites of food I denied myself, I couldn't lose weight.  The cumulative stress, of my work, a failed relationship, and unresolved title issues with my home, was killing me.  From one annual physical to the next, I was ill from head to toe.

I had to cross that river! 

One year ago today, I crossed a border, I became an immigrant, and I began life fully awake.  Mexico has caramelized my soul, if not the color of my skin.

Sometimes we don't get what we want right away.  For me, not getting what I wanted was the luckiest moment of my life.  

Thank You MEXICO for opening your doors!
Thank You My Friends for all of your love and support!
Happy Anniversary to Broads Abroad, Class of 2011!

Gracias El Senor por bendecir mi vida desordenada. Para que me lleva a la ruta de menor resistencia, estoy eternamente agradecido. El amor está en la abundancia. Corazón, los pensamientos y acciones están completamente alineados. Por favor, ayúdame, mientras que renuncié a mi hábito de la nicotina. Ah, y mantener a mis hijos a salvo.  

24 de Augusto de 2012
Vianney, aka The Broad

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Anonymous said...

On behalf of your Austin Friends For Life, of course we miss you, but we've been equally happy for this brave transition you have made, the glow that we see, the renewed vigor and confidence. Wishing you many more years of creativity and bliss.


Tracey said...

It is an amazing life that kept you safe and healthy till you could get to where you needed to be and where all of us needed you to be.

Calmity said...

You did the right thing: followed your heart, no matter how difficult, never quitting until you had arrived at the right place.

Merilee Dodson said...

This sweet post made me weep with joy and hope, thank you beautiful lady.

studiocorral said...

Bravo and Congratulations! You did it!
I miss you being here in the area now that I am here, but I am happy for you and proud of you.
You inspire me.


Babs said...

Sweet, sweet Mexico wraps its arms around you and teaches you such amazing lessons about gentleness, gentility, the beauty of color and lulls you with its surreal quality.

In my eleven years here it has taught me more lessons then I even knew I needed to learn.

Congrats on making a wise decision. Every day is an adventure!

The Broad said...

Babs, write a post on this: "it has taught me more lessons then I even knew I needed to learn", please. I am having the same experience.

Mary said...

WOW!!!! Happy Anniversary! No one could be happier for you. This has been your dream since we lived on Philco street.

The Broad said...

I KNOW! How old were our babies? Patrick wasn't in school yet, and he is turning 30 this year!

Mary, thank you for everything! Thank you for being my family!