Friday, May 30, 2014

Ah, the Bite of the Mosquito : Conjuring an Attraction Potion

::  The sun shines and warms and lights us and we have no curiosity to know why this is so; but we ask the reason of all evil, of pain, and hunger, and mosquitoes and silly people. ::
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Right now, our dreaded Yucatan mosquitoes are reclaiming our heads by joining hands to make fuzzy black halos.  Yes, we have now entered the rainy season and the little tormentors have plenty of breeding spots available.  Having experienced their terrible tiny bites one too many times in my native New Orleans, my experiments in repellant potions before moving to Mérida have paid off.  I've enjoyed this one for almost three years. 

Before you Yucatan Snowbirds and First Years head down, you might consider purchasing a few glass wasp catchers!  The catchers have a concave bottom that forms a well for the Deadly Mosquito Attraction Potion.  I brought two glass wasp catchers with me when I moved to the Yucatan.  There are a few tutorials on how to make a wasp or fly catcher out of a plastic bottle, but mosquitoes require a glass container. 

Let's focus on why mosquitoes love the household products in this attraction recipe.  Hydrogen Peroxide, or Agua Oxigenada in Spanish, and Baking Soda produce Carbon Dioxide.  Shampoo contains Lactic Acid.  Both Carbon Dioxide and Lactic Acid are the stuff we humans off-gas or sweat out.  Mosquitoes also love the heat our movements generate.  Since this attractor recipe can't move of its' own accord, the glass wasp catcher conveniently holds a candle, producing heat and movement.  Ever walked out of a dense brushy patch in your garden to discover you were covered in mosquito bites?  That's because these tiny terrors, like all vampires, love the dark.  To simulate a darkened space, a colored glass container is best, but if you don't have a choice, you can add honey or molasses to your clear glass wasp catcher.  The natural sugar found in honey prevent the mosquitoes from feeling depressed once you have lured their menacing butts into the trap!

You will need a 1 liter container for mixing the liquid ingredients.  I reused a completely dry juice box. Be sure to have a funnel handy.

Mix the following liquid ingredients:
2 cups : Hydrogen Peroxide
4 tbs : Shampoo (any brand)
2 tbs : Dark Honey or Molasses

Now you are ready for some fun with chemistry!  Each of my wasp catchers holds 1/4 cup of the combined liquid and dry mixture of Baking Soda.  Combine a 3:1 mixture of liquid and dry in a measuring cup.  With the wasp catcher corked, turn it upside down and pour in the mixture.  Slowly turn the wasp catcher upright and remove the cork.  Insert the candle, place near a window or screen door.  Light the candle and watch the magic begin.  Depending on how heavy the population is, you may have to reinvigorate the mixture every 4 hours.

Congratulations!  You've saved your skin and the environment from toxins!  Remember, if you do use products with DEET, spray your clothing and not your skin.

Create the life you want and a safe planet!
The Broad

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