Friday, December 07, 2012

All I Want For Christmas :: I Already Have

:: I wanted an electric train for Christmas but I got the saxophone instead.::
- Clarence Clemons

I love the holidays!  From Thanksgiving through Mardi Gras everything feels possible.  The only thing that puts a damper on this time of year is the decrease in sunlight hours.  Using the extra glow-in-the-dark stars added to the outline of the Mayan grandmother mural in my kitchen, I placed them on the walls in my bedroom.  

This is not the first time I've had a galaxy in my bedroom.  When my lovely daughter was a tiny jewel I placed stars on the ceiling of her nursery.  They were so comforting I wanted some in my own room.  Waiting for the stars to absorb light was exciting!  With the kids behind me, we opened the bedroom door to reveal a gallaxy throughout the room.  Fallen stars twinkled on the surface of the dresser and danced in the folds of the snow white comforter.  Night sky magic was everywhere!  We may not have snow in the tropics, but we do have delicate papel picado streamers.  Next year I will add strings of white streamers across the ceiling.  Glowing stars and dancing streamers, gently pushed by the breeze of a fan; how easy it is to add a dash of magic!  

I am going home to Austin and New Orleans for the holidays.  In the meantime it is important to continue traditions from my prior life into the dream of  Mérida.  Last weekend I hosted the smallest gumbo party ever!  The Beach Gals and husbands brought all shapes of Gulf shore driftwood and treasures.  In a hand blown Mexican vase, filled with shells, they arranged the boughs of the tree and adorned them with precious ornaments from my childhood and that of my children. 

This is my favorite Christmas tree!  I have pieces of the  beach, my first home in Mexico, the Beach Gals on a stick (jajajaja!), my grandparents memories in the glint of glass  ornament, a handful of seasonal cards from two fabulous Austin photographer friends, and an extra stocking in the event Boyfriend For Life pops down the tinaca (ouch!). 

 Mexico and the friends in my life, abroad and at home, continue to teach me valuable lessons.  I now remember that when something isn't working it is that way for a reason.  Truly, it doesn't matter what the reason.  More deeply an understanding of the perfection of life unfolds every moment.  Like the grass skirt on the hula dancer lamp in the living room, a little shimmy and shaken' is good for my soul!  

Let me hear you shout it out my Loud Sisters! 
How do you celebrate the holidays?

Love Ya'll!


Create the life you want!
The Broad

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Babs said...

Looks great! Most ex-pats leave for the holidays here and head home, wherever that is......
Your decorations look cute!
I, most years, don't put up all the stuff cause I'm usually never here.
This year I will be, and in hopes that I might get to spend time with the wee ones (long story), I'll put up all the decorations from the last 1/2 century.
Baking is my thing - I'll make lots of trays of cookies, fudge, etc. to give away as gifts and have a dessert party on the 22nd or 23rd. I would much prefer to be in Texas, but when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

The Broad said...

Sounds like you will have a lovely holiday! A dessert party is a wonderful idea. I'm picking up lady fingers puff pastry dough when I'm home. Might just have to have a dessert party here in Merida. Happy Holidays!